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Writer's pictureScott Clark

Prayers for the Week of June 14, 2020

Please feel free to join us this week in the prayers we prayed in worship:

Creating God, we give you praise and thanks

for this world you have made –

for mountains and plains,

for oceans teeming with life,

for plants and trees the cover the earth,

for the bright sunshine of springtime

We thank you for this earth,

we see that it is good,

even as we also see all the ways

that we have done it harm, for so many years now.

We have used the earth for extraction and production,

with little concern for its care.

We have polluted it with our waste,

filling the air with more carbon than it can bear.

We have pushed the earth into climate emergency.

God have mercy, and help us.

Help us end our old ways that

will lead us to collective destruction.

Help us care for all creation,

with a truer sense of how

we are created in the image of you,

to love and tend and mend the rest of your creation.

We also see the ways that we have

abused and misused each other –

the systems we have created

that distort and misallocate resources

that result in violence,

that are designed to harm some and benefit others –

particularly systems of entrenched racism.

Give us the courage to dismantle systems that need to go,

to listen to the voices of those harmed the most,

and to build with you a world where all can live free.

And we continue in prayer

as we continue to find our way through pandemic.

We pray for healing, and for an end to pandemic,

show us ways of living,

collectively and individually,

that will lead to healing and wholeness.

Creating God, you created the vast expanses of time and space,

you created a cosmos

expressed in universes and in molecules,

and you created each one of us,

and you love us.

You care for each person,

each person made in the image of you.

We pray for those who are sick,

living with scary diagnoses,

recovering from surgery,

we pray for healing and comfort and peace.

We pray for those living outside,

and for those cut off from work and a living wage,

we pray for shelter and enough to eat.

Help us to help you re-create a world

where everyone has enough,

and where everyone can thrive.

We know that you have loved us from the beginning,

and that you love us still,

and so with our siblings in the faith,

in every time and place,

we pray together the prayer that Jesus taught saying:

Our Father/Mother, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

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