Approved by Session in July, 2020.
Black Lives Matter.
God made each one of us in God’s image, and Jesus’s life and teachings held up and supported the value and worth of every individual regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, political status or economic circumstance.
Whatever our faith community or spiritual practice, we should work together to cherish and protect the dignity and humanity of each person.
First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo commits heart, soul and body to the antiracism work that is ours to do. We stand with those who protest for communities and people feeling the trauma and the pain of injustice. We stand with those who work to tear down the 400 years of white supremacy our nation has been built upon. We stand with all those who seek radical police reform and reprioritized public funding to better support education, affordable housing, physical and mental health care and job training. We acknowledge white privilege and how it has blinded us to the realities of structural racism. We commit to the ongoing and essential work of UN-learning racist behavior and thinking, and we commit again and again to the learning and efforts to become better allies and co-conspirators in the vital work of antiracism. We commit to using our access and resources to systematically improve the lives of Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
Words are not enough. Action is necessary.
Join us.